Mechanical engineering is the space where Zachary Toth’s three areas of interest converge: math, physics, and biology.
His plan is to pursue a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and a career in biomedical research. At Ohio Northern University, the Ashtabula, Ohio native is majoring in mechanical engineering with a biomedical concentration and a minor in applied math. He’s also seizing every diverse opportunity that comes his way.
“ONU was the best fit for me because of its strong and well-known engineering program,” he said, “and the classes and opportunities facilitate a very good environment for learning about anything that I become interested in.”
Zach is a member of several engineering clubs and organizations, which has afforded him the opportunity to attend professional conferences and network. He’s also part of ONU’s Honors Program, which, he says, “has pushed me to go above and beyond in almost every aspect of collegiate life.”
He’s worked with Josh Gargac, Ph.D., associate professor of mechanical engineering, on an extensive literature review into the microstructure of cortical bone, followed by the development of a program to generate models that mimic micro-CT scans of cortical bone.
“The eventual goal of this research project is to release it as an open-source software for other researchers to use in their research,” said Zach. “This could allow them to have finer control when looking into the effects of microstructural changes of bone in fields such as medicine and pharmacology.”
Zach also spent a semester abroad studying at the Universitat Politècnica de València in Valencia, Spain, where he took courses in Thermodynamics, Dynamics, Physics 2, and Spanish language. While there, he also explored Budapest, Morocco, Barcelona, and Andalucia.
“The experience changed me by giving me a better appreciation of other cultures and ways of thinking,” he said. “And, I can speak Spanish now, which has had some utility in my life.”
ONU’s mechanical engineering program, says Zach, provides an “incredibly diverse skill set” that is preparing him well for his future.
“I am proud to be an ONU student because I have seen and experienced firsthand the character, dedication, and sense of purpose that is cultivated at this university among students and faculty.